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HomePin Range Rules

Pin Range Safety Rules

1. Eye & ear protection must be worn at all times   NO EXCEPTIONS

2. Shooting is only allowed if a Range Officer is present 

3.All firearms brought into the Pin Range must be in a case or gun rug and placed on the Gun Only table. You are only allowed to handle your firearm at the firing line. After shooting, the firearm must be put back into the case or gun rug and returned to the Gun Only table. Handling your firearm anywhere else will result in being asked to leave for the safety of everyone.

3a. All firearms shall be cased or holstered when at the Gun Only Tables 

4. All firearms shall be cased or holstered while moving to and from the firing line

5. No handling of ammunition at the Gun Only Tables or Safe Area

6. Load firearms ONLY at the Firing Line

7. Drawing from holsters, ONLY with the RO's authorization (the 180-degree rule applies)

8. In case of a weapon malfunction keep muzzle pointed down range, stay at the Firing Line and notify the Range Officer

9. Pistol caliber cartridges ONLY to be fired. Magnum loads at the discretion of the RO 

10. No Fully Automatic weapons allowed 

11. Shotguns can be used ONLY in an area designated by the RO. No buckshot or slugs allowed

12. Only targets approved by the Pin Range Committee are allowed on the range.  Metal targets must be placed under the overhang.  The RO must approve all personal targets beforehand

13. Pin Range is open as posted in the call letter

14. All members must scan and sign in by printing their name & member number on the Sign in Sheet

15. All guests must sign the waiver and pay the fee prior to shooting 

16. All guests are the responsibility of their sponsor

17. Children must be supervised by an adult

18. The Range Officer will have the final say on all matters